Offering Shaf` before Witr


Q 1: Is it sufficient to offer the supererogatory prayer and one Rak`ah of Witr after the `Isha' (Evening) Prayer? Or should one offer two Rak`ahs of Shaf` (Prayer with an even number of units, particularly before the final unit of the odd-numbered Prayer) before the one Rak`ah of Witr after the `Isha' Prayer? Give us the ruling on this, may Allah bless you for it!

A: The performance of two Rak`ahs of Shaf` before the single Rak`ah of Witr is better than the performance of one Rak`ah of Witr only. Moreover, the performance of the supererogatory prayer after the `Isha' Prayer can not be a substitute for the two Rak`ahs of Shaf`. Also, a Muslim can perform the Witr as one Rak`ah and there is no sin on him.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


The religion of morals